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What's happening with the proposed cell tower at 73 Eastern Avenue?


In early 2020 residents learned about a proposed cell tower to be erected

on the property at 73 Eastern Avenue.  See Gloucester Daily Times article

HERE.  See Tower North's application HERE.  Residents wrote 110 letters

to the FCC before the deadline of May 5, 2020, voicing concerns for the

environment and potential health risks for a cell tower to be placed in a

neighborhood that abuts wetlands, Ebben Creek, the Great Marsh, and

conservation land.

Residents placed 150 lawn signs on their front yards protesting the cell tower

on Eastern Avenue. In addition, 450 people signed a petition against the four

variances needed for the cell tower application to be granted. Residents also 

wrote personal letters to the property owner of 73 Eastern Avenue, asking

him to reconsider his decision.

SEL’s fundraising efforts made it possible to hire an attorney to

update and replace our 24-year-old bylaw for Personal Wireless Services

Facilities. Unfortunately, we lost at the annual town meeting in May 2021

by seven votes. Our attorney also submitted a 15-page rebuttal to the

Zoning Board of Appeals in opposition to TowerNorth’s application.  


The Zoning Board of Appeals hired an independent peer review consultant, David Maxson of Isotrope LLC, to review TowerNorth's application.  David's report can be found HERE.  His conclusion was that the proposed tower would be too close to the Tree Hill tower on the other side of town. He also advised TowerNorth to revisit some other potential sites that would have less impact on neighborhoods around the proposed tower.       


In October 2021, the Zoning Board of Appeals granted all four variances to the applicant, TowerNorth Development c/o Centerline, for the proposed cell tower at 73 Eastern Avenue.  See the Zoning Board of Appeals decision HERE. On November 18th, the Planning Board approved Tower North's application for a special permit.  See their decision HERE.  


In November 2021 we shifted gears with our legal team, as abutters decided to challenge the October decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals to grant the four variances, as well as that of the Planning Board for granting a special permit for the cell tower.  The case is currently in court.  

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Ebben Creek


Essex River

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